The Feast of the Old Gods

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There is a tradition in the gnomish culture that on the first day of each season there are great feasts to thank the gods for allowing the community to live through another cycle. The feasts are a cause for revelry and over indulgence. Many great warriors are laid low the next day and even for weeks after because of the sheer consumption that they take part it. Raulwicke had resolved in the weeks before the Autumn Feast of the Old Gods that he would eat sparingly of the plates that were brought before him. His progress with the sword and shield could all be undone in a single night of excess.

Raulwicke awoke from his stupor three days after the Feast of the Old Gods. He looked around and saw the remnants of pies, pheasants, and assorted delicacies littered around his body. He groaned and began to weep. His resolve had apparently been lost during the night and he could only imagine his splitting headache was both from the mead he had invariably guzzled and the sugary treats that seemed to still coat his tongue.

Legendsinger looked down at his torso. Where only a few days before he had remarked that already he could see himself filling out the adventurers tunic he had received from a traveling merchant, now all he could see was the bulbous growth from capitalizing on the courses of that fateful evening. Raulwicke pulled himself aright and leaned against a wall, the noxious smell of sweet wine and cheeses wafting on the breeze . He closed his eyes and offered a silent prayer to the gods.

Master, Mistress, Advocate, Inquirer, Trickster. Hear my plea. I am very small and my will is weak. If I am to be your vessel to bring stories into the world, grant me the strength to do so. Because I am not sure I can.”

Raulwicke opened his eyes and with labored breath pulled himself to his feet. He brushed the cake crumbs from his lapel and began to walk, leaning into the wall. His adventure would begin anew. His work was not finished. By the Five Divines, the world would know him as Raulwicke the Legendsinger.

As you can probably tell I had a rough week. Last weekend I brought home hot wings from a party my friends had and I ate them all last weekend. It was probably upwards of 50 hotwings that I ate over the space of 3 or 4 days. Granted that doesn’t sound like a lot (and I was under my calorie total for each day still) it FELT like a lot. I was eating because I was bored and it was easy. I wasn’t removing obstacles to my healthiness, I was adding to them.

Today I did not better. I got a text from Papa Johns Pizza that if you bought one pizza you could get a second one for free. So of course I bought an Everything-Pizza and a Meat-Lovers. Because much like Raulwicke (or maybe Raulwicke is like me…) I have zero self control. Now I have to figure out what to do with the pizza. I could eat them over the next week or so (which let’s be real, I’m a college student who should not have spent $30 on getting pizza delivered. I’m going to eat the pies) or I could offer them to my house mates tomorrow and go shopping like I know I need to.

Sigh… Adulting is hard. Especially when you add extra stuff like being responsible for your well being.

I also probably haven’t been as honest with my caloric totals as I could be. I’ve been drinking Ice-Coffee which apparently is “wet” calories unlike normal coffee which is approx. 2 calories per 8 oz. Though I also shouldn’t be drinking coffee. Caffeine sucks to come off of and last week I was finally able to function without it, so of course I immediately went out for Starbucks.

I’ve also been eating a lot of bread, which I told myself I was going to quit doing. One of my house mates brought a bunch of bagels home and I’ve been making breakfast sandwiches with them. Not the WORST thing in the world, but little concessions like that make the rationale of “Oh, I can eat those Hot Wings” or “Let’s order that pizza! It’s a good deal!” that much easier.

Sigh… Again.

Alright, now to do updates on my Raulwicke Quest line

Update on the Quests:

  • Acrobatics
    • I’ve been working at the Gym on improving my strength. I’ve decided that I will not start working on Acrobatics and Parkour till I am at Level 3 (and Raulwicke is at CR 1/2) of the NF Workout regimen. (I am currently level 1)
    • Adding onto that update from last week, I AM getting stronger. The warmups aren’t killing me anymore and I’m going to the gym tomorrow morning to do strength training. I think I’m going to miss doing some Qigong meditations and practices into my workout so that I’m also working on some of the more spiritual aspects of being a bard.
  • History and Storytelling
    • November is national “Write a Novel Month” and I signed up with the website. My plan is to write “Kae’lo’s Anthology of the First Age” which is a collection of stories and essay of the first Age of Frustengrad (the world where Raulwicke is from. I’m taking a reverse Tolkien approach in my writing. He wrote the Lord of the Rings and then the Hobbit and during that fleshed out everything for the Silmarillion. I’m basically writing my Silmarillion first then using those to fill in the gaps of Raulwicke, Audrey, and the rest of the gang’s stories.
  • Musical ability
    • I am taking a twice weekly Piano class and I am making progress!
    • Next week we choose our songs for the recital and I’m currently going with King of New York from Newsies
  • Sleight of Hand/ Parlor Tricks
    • Have no even looked into this skill yet. Note to self: Get a pack of playing cards.
    • Seriously. Not kidding. Get a damn pack of cards Bradford.

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